
AutoCarBazar provides certified second hand car in one place, users can check used cars details and can get seller details. For any enquiry Contact on +91-9311-311-012. AutoCarBazar is a Automotive. AutoCarBazar registered office address is E-57, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. AutoCarBazar is a reviewed by valuable customer, who already used AutoCarBazar Product/Business/Services. Customer opinion (3) and reviews (3) help to improve and make unique to Product/Business/Services. Customer vote (3) and rating (3) giving a option to improve your Product/Business/Services.

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Neha Sharma

  • 2019-06-07 10:07:33

Product & Brands Reviews

Alphabetz is a play school and daycare where kids get early childhood education before they start compulsory education at primary school. All the teachers make creative and worked on child development theory.


Fiat automobiles is the largest automobile manufacturer company, headquarter in Italy, a subsidiary of FCA Italy S.P.A. The automobile company was formed in January 2007, when Fiat reorganized its automobile business, and traces its history back to 1899 when the first Fiat automobile. Fiat remained the largest automobile manufacturer in Europe and third position in the world automobile tracker after General Motors and Ford.


Datsun Motor Corporation is a popular automobile company owned by Nissan, the company originally starts production in 1931. The company re-launched in 2013 with its low cost vehicles manufacturer globally. Datson, a brand name which indicated the small size four wheelers vehicles compared to the DAT’s larger vehicles. In 1934, Nissan took the control of DAT, then the name ”Datson” was change to “Datsun”.


Lendbox is an RBI licensed NBFC - peer-to-peer lending platform in India. We are creating a conducive environment for borrowers and investors. Lendbox aims to revolutionize the personal loans market in India by creating a one-stop shop for all borrowers with varied profiles and needs who can have access to both retail and institutional investors with varying risk appetites. We are a team of young and energetic professionals who have come together from diverse backgrounds such as investment banking, consulting, technology, e-commerce and startup management to disrupt the personal credit sector in India

White Tiger Defense Colony

White Tiger is an ISO Certified Dry Cleaning & Premium Laundry Service provider company in Delhi, provide world class dry cleaning with full of standards parameter to safe your valuable cloths and maintained them with proper way.

Bajaj Bikes

Bajaj Auto Limited is a leading automobile company in India, popular for global two-wheeler and three wheeler manufacturer company, headquartered in Pune, Maharashtra. The company is manufacturing motorcycles, scooters and auto rickshaws. Bajaj Auto was founded by Jamnalal Bjajaj in Rajasthan in 1940s. The company has several plants across the country and third largest manufacturer of motorcycles in the world and second largest manufacture in India. Bajaj Auto is the world’s largest three-wheelers manufacturer in automobile sector. The company initially imported and sold two and three wheelers in India. The company feedback and complain shared by the customers, so that company improve the services and develop updated product with new features.


Tata Motors Limited is a leading Indian multinational automotive manufacturing company, formerly Tata Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO), headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. The company is a part of Tata Group. The company produces various types of passenger vehicles like cars, trucks, vans, coaches, buses, sports cars, construction equipment's and military vehicles. Tata Motors has manufacturing and assembly plants in Jamshedpur, Pantnagar, Lucknow, Sanand, Dharwad and Pune in India, as well as several world popular countries such as Argentina, South Africa, Great Britain and Thailand.

Realme Mobile Phones

Realme is a Chinese smartphone manufacturer company, headquartered in Beijing, China. The company was founded on May, 2018 by Sky Li, the former vice president of Oppo. The company is also popular to produce various types of product such as earphones, wireless earphones, T-shirts, bags, fitness bands, and smart-watches. Realme first appeared in China in 2010 with the name “OPPO Real”.

HDFC Bank Visa Credit Card

HDFC Bank Ltd. is a popular Indian banking service provider and financial services company, headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra. The bank provides credit cards, consumer banking, banking, finance and insurance, investment banking, mortgage loans, private banking, private equity and wealth management. HDFC bank is one of the largest private sector banks in lender by assets and market capitalization as of March 2020. Several valuable customers are using HDFC Visa Credit Card for various purpose and share their personal views regarding the services, support and benefits. They also share the services feedback and complain online for better response in future.


Porsche AG is a popular automobile manufacturer, specializing in sports cars, sedans and SUVs with high performance. A German based automobile company, headquarters in Stuttgart, and owned by Volkswagen AG, a controlling stake which is owned by Porsche Automobile Holding SE. Porsche produced the various types of designs for heavy tanks during war, losing out to Henschel and Son in both contracts that ultimately led to Tiger I & Tiger II. Its trusted engine and performance is really effective as per several customers feedback. Many customers review & feedback shares online with best features. Globally, the Porsche car is also liked and there is very less customers complain file online.