
AutoCarBazar provides certified second hand car in one place, users can check used cars details and can get seller details. For any enquiry Contact on +91-9311-311-012. AutoCarBazar is a Automotive. AutoCarBazar registered office address is E-57, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. AutoCarBazar is a reviewed by valuable customer, who already used AutoCarBazar Product/Business/Services. Customer opinion (3) and reviews (3) help to improve and make unique to Product/Business/Services. Customer vote (3) and rating (3) giving a option to improve your Product/Business/Services.

Autocarbazar provide us so many new and old cars

Autocarbazar is one of the best car selling and purchasing website. Here i got my favourite i20 car in comfertable price. It is quite simple to search our choice car. I got my favorite car from here if you want your favourite car then visit Autocarbazar.

Ayansh Kumar

  • 2020-04-03 19:37:39

AutoCarBazar provide best car

I want a second hand car but I could not get best car for me . After some days my friend tell me about AutoCarBazar and I decide to check it out . It is such a wonderful path to find our dream car. I get my dream car from here . So I also suggested for all to visit here and get four favorite car.


  • 2020-01-28 16:01:04

A car website

AutoCarBazar is the best selling platform for cars that creates a rich user experience. Also, their services are tech-enabled and well equipped with the latest technologies. AutoCarBazar facilitates their customers with detailed specifications and prices, videos and pictures of all latest cars. The website of AutoCarBazar is very useful for the ones having an interest in a variety of cars.

Sanjay Gupta

  • 2019-08-30 10:14:31

Get New And Old Car And Bike

AutoCarBazar is good for who love car and bikes, People can buy and sell new and old car and bikes. If you want to buy a new or old car you will get on this site. You can get any brand of cars by selecting on your phone and you will also get all the information about that product.

Sangita Bisht

  • 2019-06-08 09:47:57

Place For Bike And Car Lovers

AutoCarBazar is a very good site for the bikes and car lovers, They will really like this and you will love this a lot because If you are bikes and car lover then you should visit here once. Here you can buy and sell your car and bikes both. You can buy used car or bike also at affordable prices.

Neha Sharma

  • 2019-06-07 10:07:33

Product & Brands Reviews

Land Rover

Land Rover is a popular brand for four wheel drive cars manufacturer British based company, the exclusively offers premium and luxury sports utility vehicles, owned by multinational car manufacturer Jaguar Land Rover. It has been owned by Tata Motors since 2008 in India. Jaguar Land Rover is currently build Land Rovers in various countries such as Brazil, China, Slovakia, India and United Kingdom.


Toyota Motor Corporation is a Japanese based multinational automotive manufacturer company, headquartered in Toyota, Aichi, Japan. The company was founded by Kiichiro Toyoda and incorporated on August 28, 1937. In 2017, Toyota's corporate structure consisted of 364,445 employees around the world and as of December 2019, was the tenth-largest company in the world by revenue. Toyota is the largest automobile manufacturer in Japan, and the second-largest in the world behind Volkswagen, based on 2018 unit sales. It was the world's first automobile manufacturer to produce more than 10 million vehicles per year, which it has done since 2012, when it also reported the production of its 200 millionth vehicle.

AutoSphere was founded in 2015. It is an automotive accessories online store, here you can find all range of Speakers, Stereos, Amplifiers, and Sub-Woofers.


Nissan Motor Co. Ltd is also known as only shortened name Nissan, Japanese multinational automobile manufacturer, headquartered in Nishi-Ku, Yokohama. The company sells its product under the Nissan, Infiniti and Datsun brands. Nissan has been part of the Renault Nissan Mitsubishi Alliance since 1999, partnership between Nissan & Mitsubishi Motors of Japan and Renault of France. Nissan was the sixth largest automaker in the world in 2013, after Toyota, General Motors, Volkswagen Group, Hyundai Motors and Ford. It is the world’s largest electric vehicle manufacturer sales on globally, more than 320,000 electric vehicles in 2018. The customer’s feedback is also great about this car. Many users are submitted the online vehicles review about the electric cars.


Porsche AG is a popular automobile manufacturer, specializing in sports cars, sedans and SUVs with high performance. A German based automobile company, headquarters in Stuttgart, and owned by Volkswagen AG, a controlling stake which is owned by Porsche Automobile Holding SE. Porsche produced the various types of designs for heavy tanks during war, losing out to Henschel and Son in both contracts that ultimately led to Tiger I & Tiger II. Its trusted engine and performance is really effective as per several customers feedback. Many customers review & feedback shares online with best features. Globally, the Porsche car is also liked and there is very less customers complain file online.

Ekart Logistics

Ekart logistics is the leading and popular courier company in India, headquartered in Bangaore, Karnataka. The company delivers a lot of shipment across the globe as subsidiary of electronic commerce company Flipkart Pvt. Ltd. The company has great work and delivers around 10 million shipments a month. The companies most of the shipment ordered from Flipkart. Many customers are sending their shipment from one location to other and share their experienced such Customer Review, Feedback and Complaint. The customers experience and feedback improve the company services and make it more valuable for the users.


OLX is the world’s fastest-growing network of trading platforms, operating in 30+ countries around the world. We help people buy and sell cars, find housing, get jobs, buy and sell household goods, and much more. With more than 20 well-loved local brands including Avito, OLX, Otomoto, and Property24, our solutions are built to be safe, smart, and convenient for our customers. We are powered by a team of 7,500+ people, working across 5 continents in offices all around the world.

KKR Packers and Movers

Welcome to KKR Packers And Movers Movers and Packers Bilaspur We are Professional Movers, � Residential Moving ( Flat, Apartments, Villas) � Commercial Moving (Offices, Hotels, Warehouse etc) � Highly Trained Packing Staff. � Expert Carpenters � Expert Handyman services � Cargo Packing Staff � Assembling Of Flat Pack Furniture � Packing and Shifting services � Disposal Service. � Furniture Dismantling � Furniture Assembling � LCD & Bracket Fixing � Curtains & Blinds Rods Fixing � Providing Bubble Rap

Realme Mobile Phones

Realme is a Chinese smartphone manufacturer company, headquartered in Beijing, China. The company was founded on May, 2018 by Sky Li, the former vice president of Oppo. The company is also popular to produce various types of product such as earphones, wireless earphones, T-shirts, bags, fitness bands, and smart-watches. Realme first appeared in China in 2010 with the name “OPPO Real”.

Kia Motors

Kia Motors Corporation is Korean based car manufacturing company, also known as Kia Motors, headquartered in Seoul, South Korea. The company is second largest automobile manufacturer in South Korea. The Kia motor is minority owned by Hundai as of December 2015 with its 33.88% stake value. The Name “Kia” derives from the Sino-Korean characters which means “Rising from the East”.