
AutoCarBazar provides certified second hand car in one place, users can check used cars details and can get seller details. For any enquiry Contact on +91-9311-311-012. AutoCarBazar is a Automotive. AutoCarBazar registered office address is E-57, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh. AutoCarBazar is a reviewed by valuable customer, who already used AutoCarBazar Product/Business/Services. Customer opinion (3) and reviews (3) help to improve and make unique to Product/Business/Services. Customer vote (3) and rating (3) giving a option to improve your Product/Business/Services.

Autocarbazar provide us so many new and old cars

Autocarbazar is one of the best car selling and purchasing website. Here i got my favourite i20 car in comfertable price. It is quite simple to search our choice car. I got my favorite car from here if you want your favourite car then visit Autocarbazar.

Ayansh Kumar

  • 2020-04-03 19:37:39

AutoCarBazar provide best car

I want a second hand car but I could not get best car for me . After some days my friend tell me about AutoCarBazar and I decide to check it out . It is such a wonderful path to find our dream car. I get my dream car from here . So I also suggested for all to visit here and get four favorite car.


  • 2020-01-28 16:01:04

A car website

AutoCarBazar is the best selling platform for cars that creates a rich user experience. Also, their services are tech-enabled and well equipped with the latest technologies. AutoCarBazar facilitates their customers with detailed specifications and prices, videos and pictures of all latest cars. The website of AutoCarBazar is very useful for the ones having an interest in a variety of cars.

Sanjay Gupta

  • 2019-08-30 10:14:31

Get New And Old Car And Bike

AutoCarBazar is good for who love car and bikes, People can buy and sell new and old car and bikes. If you want to buy a new or old car you will get on this site. You can get any brand of cars by selecting on your phone and you will also get all the information about that product.

Sangita Bisht

  • 2019-06-08 09:47:57

Place For Bike And Car Lovers

AutoCarBazar is a very good site for the bikes and car lovers, They will really like this and you will love this a lot because If you are bikes and car lover then you should visit here once. Here you can buy and sell your car and bikes both. You can buy used car or bike also at affordable prices.

Neha Sharma

  • 2019-06-07 10:07:33

Company & Brands Reviews


Groupe Renault is a popular French multinational automobile manufacturer company, headquartered in Boulogne-Billancourt, near Paris established in 1899. In 2016, Renault was the ninth biggest automaker in the world by production volume and the Reanult-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance has become the world’s biggest seller of light vehicles. In the past the company produces trucks, tractors, tanks, buses, aircraft and aircraft engines and autorail vehicles globally.


Hyundai is a popular South Korean multinational automotive company, produce best choice four-wheeler variants for the several countries. The company is popular for the luxury subsidiary in 193 countries with the 75,000 employee worldwide. Hyundai Motor was later established in 1967 and first model, is the Cortina was released in the cooperation with Ford Motor Company in 1968. Globally, several people like the company vehicles and share Customers feedback online.


OLX is the world’s fastest-growing network of trading platforms, operating in 30+ countries around the world. We help people buy and sell cars, find housing, get jobs, buy and sell household goods, and much more. With more than 20 well-loved local brands including Avito, OLX, Otomoto, and Property24, our solutions are built to be safe, smart, and convenient for our customers. We are powered by a team of 7,500+ people, working across 5 continents in offices all around the world.


At HomeLane is a leading home interior design solution company in India, bring together functionality and aesthetics to provide homeowners with customized and efficient home designs. The home designers are experienced professionals and specialize in home interior designs and home décor, and help you create a personalized home to suit your lifestyle. We are here to help you find the best home decor and home design to match your needs and style. All our products come with a 5-year warranty along with unwavering support and maintenance services.


Jaguar is a branded luxury vehicle brand of Jaguar Land Rover, popular multinational car manufacturer, headquarters in Whitley, Coventry, England. The company was responsible for the production of Jaguar luxury car units, fully merged with the Land Rover to form Jaguar Land Rover on 1 January 2013. The company’s name was changed from S. S. Cars (Swallow Sidecar Company) to Jaguar Cars in 1945.


Voltas offers inverter ac, work on latest technologies air conditioner and reduces electricity bills. Various types of AC's available with different capacities.

Axis Bank

Axis Bank is the fifth-largest Indian bank offering a wide assortment of financial products. It was founded in 1993 and its headquarters in Mumbai, Maharashtra. It has 4050 branches, 11801 ATMs and 4917 cash recyclers across the country. Axis bank sells financial services to large and midsize corporate. Axis Bank is one of the popular bank in India, the third largest Indian bank offering wide range of banking services in finical products, headquartered in Mumbai Maharashtra. Across the country, the bank of several branches, ATMs and cash recycler for the effective services for the consumers. The bank provides financial services to large and mid-size corporate, SME and retail business. Overall services are really effective and liable for the customers; they are also sharing the product feedback and complain online to make more effective the banking services for the new users.

Infinix Mobile Phones

Infinix Mobile is a popular Hong Kong based smartphone company, headquarter in Shenzhen, China. The company founded in 2013, it has research and development centers sprawling between France and Korea and designs its pones in France. Infinix Mobile are popular manufactured in France, Bangladesh, Korea, Hong Kong, China, India and Pakistan and several other Asia near about 30 countries in the middle east and Africa.

Royal Enfield Bikes

Royal Enfield is one of the popular two wheeler manufacturing Indian brand two wheeler company, manufactured factories based in Chennai in India. The company produce best brand Royal Enfield Bullet with single and twin cylinder motorcycles. Royal Enfield is one of the oldest motorcycle brands in the world. The company is still producing best model motorcycle in various variants, the company also popular for its longest lived motorcycle design in the world.


Datsun Motor Corporation is a popular automobile company owned by Nissan, the company originally starts production in 1931. The company re-launched in 2013 with its low cost vehicles manufacturer globally. Datson, a brand name which indicated the small size four wheelers vehicles compared to the DAT’s larger vehicles. In 1934, Nissan took the control of DAT, then the name ”Datson” was change to “Datsun”.